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22nd June 2016 by 
Team Capacitas

How to deliver rapid technology change, with minimal disruption.

The world of software development has changed dramatically in the 21st century. While the consumer demands good performance in their interactions,...

23rd May 2016 by 
Daniel Bennett

Part 4 – Efficient use of variables.

This is the final part of the blog discussing how bad code does often lead to bad performance of web pages, and what bad coding habits can contribute to the slow performance. In...

23rd May 2016 by 
Daniel Bennett

Part 3 – Database Queries

This is part three of the blog discussing how bad code does often lead to bad performance of web pages, and what bad coding habits can contribute to the slow performance. In the previous...

20th May 2016 by 
Daniel Bennett

Part 2 – Server Side Code

This is part two of the blog discussing how bad code does often lead to bad performance of web pages, and what bad coding habits can contribute to the slow performance. In part one, I...

19th May 2016 by 
Daniel Bennett

Part 1 – Parallel Processing

Previous research conducted by Capacitas has shown that the conversion rate of a web site starts to degrade when load times of web pages exceeds 2 seconds. Users tend to leave a web site...