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Performance engineering

18th March 2024 by 
Gerald Mercieca

A weekend where deliveries don’t seem to be …. delivering. One of Britain’s favourite food delivery go-tos, Just Eat, reported on its socials of “experiencing some technical issues” on Friday evening – a crucial...

18th March 2024 by 
Sneha Awasthi

Recently, Sainsbury's and Tesco encountered significant “technical challenges”, impacting online shopping deliveries and payment processes. These incidents highlight the vulnerability of even the most established...

28th June 2023 by 
Jason Cross

When we deploy resources, we typically pick the location closest to us. Maybe we have latency or performance in mind, however, all is not equal when it comes to location.  

28th June 2023 by 
Prayukti Shankar

Load Balancing is way of distributing network traffic evenly across different resources, so as not to load any resource more than its capacity helping in better performance of your application/system.  

06th April 2018 by 
Sameena Hassam

Continuous Integration is designed to ensure quicker delivery of changes to production. But we still need to ensure these changes meet perform to expectation. How can we deliver performance assurance in the fast...

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