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Control it cost

23rd February 2016 by 
Frank Warren

Addressing Poor Availability

Poor application availability continues to blight IT organisations. Degraded user experience results in loss of business and revenue and has significant financial and reputational...

20th May 2013 by 
Frank Warren

The challenge of integrating performance testing into agile development methodology is not inconsiderable and often involves a steep learning curve. Performance testing pressures are amplified by constraints such as...

10th May 2013 by 
Team Capacitas

Last week I noticed this headline on BBC News: 'Smarter' South East airport capacity needed. Having a natural interest in capacity, and also airports, the title sounded intriguing – what does the BBC actually mean...

09th May 2013 by 
Team Capacitas

Have you ever wondered how to determine the impact of consolidation across your data centres? This blog covers a simple exercise on answering this question for a real customer.