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05th February 2016 by 
Team Capacitas

On Thursday 4th February 2016, West Ham United Football Club's official ticketing system, http://www.whufcboxoffice.com, was displaying the following queuing page to visitors:

14th January 2016 by 
Danny Quilton

The post Xmas period is typically a busy period for online retailers with peak trading around the Boxing Day and New Year’s Day sales. In our experience up to 1% of the annual online sales revenue can be seen on...

27th November 2015 by 
Team Capacitas

Here are at Capacitas we focus on addressing the technical challenges in businesses meeting the expectations of their customers. In simple terms for retailers it means we ensure their websites can cope with the...

24th November 2015 by 
Danny Quilton

You cannot escape the Argos campaign to beat Black Friday with television adverts proclaiming that ‘once they’re gone they’re gone’… however in reality many people are finding the only thing gone is the chance to...